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Paraphrase Online Paraphrase-Online

     Paraphrase Online Refund Policy

Q1. Can I get a Refund if I am not satisfied after Purchase?
Sorry! We do not offer a refund if you are not satisfied after the purchase, because when you have registered on our website as free, your per-submission limit is increased up to 500 words, it is like a test registration for our premium version.
As you have used the premium test registration with an increased word limit and then buy the plan, it means you have liked the test premium version of the tool.

Q2. Can I Ask for a Refund if the website is down?
Our Paraphrase tool is seldom out of order. However, in case this happens we can't issue a refund because the tool will be better than before, after maintenance. We will accommodate you in terms of the time missed due to maintenance.

Q3. Do I get a Refund if I buy the same Plan twice?
Sure! We have a very clear policy for duplicate purchases, we will refund one of your two same purchases.

Q4. Do I get a Refund if I buy two different plans?
No, if you have bought the weekly and monthly plans, then we will increase your word and validity limit. Kindly be aware that the weekly plan is non-refundable.
If you have bought the monthly or yearly plan then we will give you a refund for the monthly plan or if you wish we will increase the word and time validity limit in the annual subscription.

Q5. Do I get a Refund if I buy during the Sale?
Sadly, we cannot refund Deal items or discounted items. Regardless, we can help you by canceling the auto-renewal.

Q6. Can I get a Refund for a Recurring Charge?
Once you subscribe to the plan, you have the option to choose auto or manual rebilling on checkout. If you would continue with auto rebilling at that point, your membership will charge once more after the specified validity time. Once the charge is active, it cannot be refunded. In any case, we are going to assist you by canceling the auto charge for your next charge. You'll be able to contact us at [email protected]
